Between two peoples. Ulassai, Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8th June, preview in the town of Maria Lai with the scenic outcome of the primary school students.
Taken from the text by Giancarlo Biffi “Tra due popoli” tells of a bridge, a symbol of coexistence between different peoples, the gialluzzi and the verduzzi.

The work is dedicated to Luisa Pilia, a beloved teacher from Ulassai, a bridge builder, who passed away too soon last February.

Spring preview for the 25th edition of the Festival dei Tacchi, the contemporary theatre event organised by the Cagliari company Cada Die Teatro, scheduled from 2 to 8 August between the territories of Jerzu and Ulassai with the artistic direction of Giancarlo Biffi.

On Saturday 8 June at 6 pm, in the courtyard of the Ulassai primary school, Tra due popoli will be performed, the scenic outcome of the theatre workshop conducted during the school year by the actors and authors of the Cada Die Teatro, Silvestro Ziccardi and Lara Farci. On stage are the children of the fourth and fifth grades of the primary school. «We started from a story that Giancarlo Biffi wrote and staged a few years ago – explains Ziccardi -. The author had in mind the rubble of the old Mostar bridge destroyed during the war in former Yugoslavia. The bridge had been the symbol of a possible coexistence between different civilisations for many years. It is a fairy tale that is good for both children and adults; it tells of two peoples, the verduzzi and the gialluzzi, of a bridge that is half gialluzzi and half verduzzo, of a boy named Iso and a girl named Malika».

The organizers of the Festival have always been guided by the desire to intensify relations with the territory and those who live there. Art, nature and community are the true protagonists of this event that every year bets on creating culture in places less frequented by mass tourism. And so, thanks to the collaboration of the school principal Alessandro Bianco, the teachers Luisella Corgiolu, Maria Assunta Usai and Valentina Murino and the councilor Speranza Loi, the little ones are immediately involved, in the hope that one day they will be the collectors of this important witness, for the dissemination of art and culture to counter wars and hostilities.

The municipal administration of Ulassai, the school and the Cada Die Teatro dedicate this story to Luisa Pilia, beloved teacher of Ulassai, and to all the bridge builders, to those who, like her, oppose destruction with construction, believing that the strength and beauty of the individual is enclosed in his being different.

The Festival dei Tacchi is supported by the Municipality of Jerzu, the Municipality of Ulassai, the Cantina Antichi Poderi, the Fondazione di Sardegna, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Ministry of Culture.

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Between two peoples. Press Review

Press review dedicated to the scenic outcome “Between two peoples”, Ulassai, 8 June 2024. Sardegna Reporter Agenparl CagliariPost SardegnaIeriOggiDomani Radiolina (intervista del 07.06.2024) La

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