25th Festival dei Tacchi

Almost without realizing it we have reached the 25th edition of the Festival dei Tacchi, it seems like only yesterday when we started flying between one heel and another of Ogliastra, but… how much road we have travelled.

Fortunately, not alone but with many old and new travel companions who, for a step or for the entire journey, with different sensitivities, accompanied us on this journey.
And it is precisely on this aspect, on the sensitive being that we want to focus our attention in this year’s edition, aware that it is precisely from this movement of consciousness that the creativity of the artist and the characteristic personality of the human being arises.

How many times have we heard “He’s too sensitive!”, as if being sensitive were a fault and not an advantage. Now, however, tons of sensitivity would be needed to respond to a world, to a society that urges us to be increasingly cynical, cold, detached, disinterested, imperturbable.
I am convinced that it is precisely by keeping our level of sensitivity high that we will be able to defend ourselves from the whirlpool of the dehumanization of being; before barbarism breaks into our homes, before deaths under bombs or on construction sites cease to disturb our thoughts.
But art does not bow its head easily; the theater will continue to solicit our and others’ sensitivities, it is its task.

Being sensitive, perceiving the wounds or joys of others as one’s own is one of the first conditions of being an artist.
We like sensitive beings, those who listen to others with understanding and participation and that is what theater does: listening to stories of the world and then returning them packaged in new dramaturgy, while still remaining our stories.
The many stories that will accompany us in reflection, filling us with emotion… from 2 to 8 August between the Antichi Poderi winery in Jerzu and the Ulassai Art Station.

So, let sensitive Beings live!
Those who, in their being strongly touched in being, continue to stimulate the most reactive chords of the human soul.

Giancarlo Biffi


2 Aug

2 August 2024 | h 18:30

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Presentation of the book: ROSSO

by Nino Melis

The historical event that inspired "Rosso": the San Sebastiano night massacre carried out 100 years ago, on 21 January 1925, which led to the extermin...

3 Aug

3 August 2024 | h 17:30

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Presentation of three books by Ulassai authors

edited by Giuseppe Cabizzosu readings by Pierpaolo Piludu

STUDI OGLIASTRINI Indexes 1984 – 2022 Private Library “G. Cabizzosu” Edition by GIUSEPPE CABIZZOSU NEW WAYS AND SPACES OF LIVING. A study of th...

2 Aug

2 August 2024 ⋅ h 21:00

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The Bremen Musicians


The collaboration between Cada Die Teatro and the Giuseppe Verdi Municipal Band of Sinnai, one of the most interesting Italian symphonic bands, continues. The band, made up of around forty members, performs, under the direction of Maestro Lorenzo Pusceddu, the musical fairy tale by the composer Angelo Sormani. The story told by Silvestro Ziccardi talks about a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster who, to escape a sad fate, decide to go to the city ...

3 Aug

3 August 2024 ⋅ h 11:00

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Welcome to


A few years ago Giovanni Casula asked me to tell some stories he had written and from which he had started writing a book. Stories taken from experiences he lived as an educator within the Psychiatry Service (SPDC) of the SS Trinity Hospital in Cagliari. The book told fragments of intense humanity, the surprises, the empathy, the beauties and the distortions that he had seen and encountered since he began his work as an educator. We decided to gi...

3 Aug

3 August 2024 ⋅ h 19:15

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Moby Dick (although many have tried)


Moby Dick doesn't tell a story. It's not a novel. Maybe not even a book. It is a monster that stands among other written volumes as the white leviathan stands among other sea creatures. Moby Dick cannot be told, “although many have tried” (to quote Melville). What, then, can a narrator do with it (and in the time of a narrative)? It can at least make some glowing shards glow; make us perceive, in synthesis, the entire light, the entire heat ...


Barbara Apuzzo

Giulia Bertasi

Giancarlo Biffi

La Bottega degli Apocrifi

Giuseppe Cabizzosu

Cada Die Teatro

Campsirago Residenza

Gabriele Campus

Gianluca Casadei

Ascanio Celestini

Giobbe Covatta

Cuori di Panna Smontata

Giorgio Del Rio

Lara Farci

Niccolò Fettarappa

Giuseppe Verdi Municipal Band from Sinnai

Lorenzo Guerrieri

Domenico Iannacone


Michele Losi

Stefano Massini

Nino Melis

Roberto Mercadini

Mauro Mou

Pierpaolo Piludu

Giampiero Piras

Lorenzo Pusceddu

Luca Radaelli

Fabrizio Saccomanno

Renato Sarti

Beatrice Schiros

Arianna Scommegna

Teatro della Cooperativa

Teatro Invito

Fabio Trimigno

Silvestro Ziccardi


1-8 August 2024

6-Aug 5-7pm | 8-Aug 10-12


The scene on the Tacchi – Community Theatre

Diretto da Lara Farci, Mauro Mou, Francesca Pani, Marcella Puddu, Pierpaolo Piludu
Dedicato to the Jerzu community and the larger Tacchi community

Theater workshop dedicated to the Jerzu community and the larger Tacchi community THE SCENE ON THE TACCHI - Community Theatre directed by LARA FARCI, MAURO MOU, FRANCESCA PANI, MARCELLA PUDDU and PIERPAOLO PILUDU CADA DIE TEATRO Production Also this year within the 2024 edition of the Festival dei Tacchi, the Theater and Community project dedicated to the entire Jerzese community and the larger Tacchi community will begin. The project, which wi...

2-5 August 2024

to be defined


Between two peoples – Maestra Luisa workshop

Diretto da Lara Farci and Silvestro Ziccardi
Dedicato to the students of the Ulassai Primary School, in honor of Luisa Pilia

We will start from a story that Giancarlo Biffi wrote and staged a few years ago. The author had in mind the rubble of the old Mostar bridge, destroyed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. The Mostar bridge had been for many years the symbol of a possible coexistence between different civilisations. Between two peoples is a fairy tale that is good for children and does no harm to adults; it tells of two peoples, the Verduzzi and the Gialluzzi...

2-8 August 2024

9:30 / 13:30


Making amazement grow in your belly

Diretto da Fabrizio Saccomanno
Dedicato to the Cuori di Panna Smontata and to the young people of Jerzu and Ulassai

The “Making wonder grow in your belly” workshop is an exploratory journey into the world of sensitivity and perception through theatre. Led by Fabrizio Saccomanno, the workshop focuses on the art of storytelling and the rediscovery of everyday life, highlighting how habit can cloud our ability to see the beauty and complexity of everyday life....

Full immersion

With the aim of increasingly establishing relationships with places and inhabitants of the host territories, and of combining the theatrical experience with an immersion in the uncontaminated nature of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra, spectators will be able to choose to participate in the yoga course, to excursions and guided tours in the area.

The places of the Festival

The Festival dei Tacchi takes place in the fascinating panoramas of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra, between the municipalities of Jerzu and Ulassai, in ten different scenic spaces. In this space, in the union between the art of narration and the discovery of places, scents and colors of a precious and authentic territory, firm roots are developed for the protection of a territory to be experienced and preserved in all its beauty.

Stories from Tacchi